Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Still Alone!

For my music video  project I will be working alone. Generally, I love working in groups and find things easier to do when the work is equally divided with somebody/in a group. However, I don\"t actually know anybody in my class since I keep to myself in my little corner. Group work can also be a wild card when you\"re unsure of your member\"s work ethic/style. In a group, roles need to be decided/assigned, a member may not want to do their part, people may miss important days etc. There\"s just way too many factors that I can\"t really control.Since working with others can get a little  too complicated, especially with strangers, so I\"m choosing to embark on this journey on my own.  Even though I usually prefer being in a group, I actually work pretty well independently and have faith in myself. The only worries I have about being alone are not completely understanding something and some parts of the music video making process. Some parts being the storyboard and recording the footage while being in the footage. I am starting to think these issues through and know I\"ll find a way.Honestly, I don\"t think doing this project alone will be EXTREMELY difficult but I’ve done it before and will figure it out again.  I know that if I need any clarification or anything I can always ask someone around me or my teacher.  I\"m still not too sure on how I\"d actually film the music video  on my own and be in it but I think I have a plan. I plan on planning everything out to a T so I can fix whatever needs to be fixed in time. So far I have a lot of good ideas on what I want my product to be and have a good understanding of the process itself. I\"ve been reviewing the expectations thoroughly so that I make sure I have everything I need.  I think if I just follow my guidelines for this project meticulously then I\"ll be able to do everything well and get a good grade.I just want to make my music video creative, relevant to today and overall put together. I also want to make sure I have an amazing comprehension of the process so I\"m basically a pro by the final task at the end of the year. 

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